Articles - Writings Library - WebLog

Being a  true PROgrammer - Understand your environment

Being a true PROgrammer - Understand your environment

Memory allocation, release to OS - Fragmentation - Python - Elixir - Tcl This article represents the idea and the difference between developers, scriptwriters and true programmers (actually they should be called software architects next to software engineers).
13 Minutes Sep 19, 2018 2678 Words
Avoid the Fake Fast Road to Success and Knowledge CyberSecurity edition

Avoid the Fake Fast Road to Success and Knowledge CyberSecurity edition

I was writing my script and guide for the From Noob to CyberSecurity Pro blog article (and possible video) which I started writing in June.
9 Minutes Sep 10, 2018 1847 Words
Programming language hypes Frameworks, libraries and mega abstractions - Is there any room for simplicity?

Programming language hypes Frameworks, libraries and mega abstractions - Is there any room for simplicity?

"Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication" Leonardo Da Vinci "Dealing with complexity is an inefficient and unnecessary waste of time, attention and mental energy.
17 Minutes Aug 27, 2018 3486 Words

Data Science and Machine Learning new package for old ideas

Data Science and Machine Learning are to extremely hot topics at the moment.
6 Minutes Aug 14, 2018 1265 Words

Conflicting Rare Metals in Technology

This article started by trying to answer the question "What are the components used in building smartphones and modern technology and how do they impact the world?
11 Minutes Aug 7, 2018 2309 Words

My Toastmasters Experience up untill now - Why you should JOIN a toastmasters club NOW

Toastmasters truly is a place where you can develop certain skills which you would never be able to develop even if you attended the most exclusive seminaries.
16 Minutes Jul 18, 2018 3292 Words
Cryptocurrency hype - Bitcoin - Speculation - Waste of Resources and Time

Cryptocurrency hype - Bitcoin - Speculation - Waste of Resources and Time

The cryptocurrency hype is just a waste of resources and time.
10 Minutes Jul 6, 2018 1925 Words
The world is drowning in redundant code - Global Wheel Reinvention Convention

The world is drowning in redundant code - Global Wheel Reinvention Convention

The world is drownling in redundant code. Developers are reinventing the wheel every day.
7 Minutes Jun 29, 2018 1490 Words
Erlang Elixir Node Security Flaws

Erlang Elixir Node Security Flaws

This is an ATTENTION to all Elixir/Phoenix/Erlang users out there that use distributed nodes or software that uses nodes.
8 Minutes Jun 18, 2018 1511 Words
Why I'm not active on social media - a word about facebook, twitter, linkedin - Experiencing life from a different standpoint

Why I'm not active on social media - a word about facebook, twitter, linkedin - Experiencing life from a different standpoint

Why I’m not on active on social media? Why don’t I have a online presence on social media?
10 Minutes Jun 7, 2018 1929 Words
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