The Botnet

A botnet is a growing network of Internet-connected malicious devices (computers, laptops, tablets, routers and mobile phones), which have been infected with “malware” which act as bots. Botnets can be used to perform distributed denial-of-service attacks, steal data, send spam, and allow the attacker to access the device and its connection. The owner can control the botnet using command and control software. The word “botnet” is a portmanteau of the words “robot” and “network”. The term is usually used with a negative or malicious connotation

What happens is that a security vulnerability or human error (phishing) lets a virus/trojan/malware enter a system, the system then gets part of the botnet and is used for a never ending cycle of destruction.

Now think why most companies want you to install their app? Why can’t they provide a simple web interface instead of requiring you to install an app for… “points”? Or why someone would provide a pirated illegal software for free on dubious websites? If you don’t know, it’s to make you part of their botnet. Even fake rogue antivirus programs which claim to scan you for viruses are actually malware.

Most botnets want your data and computing power to make money. They scan your information and sell IT on the black market Identity theft and exploatation are a huge problem worldwide.

More recently as of the past 10 years, these botnets are used for something more sinister and it all has to do with fake news.

  1. They mimick traffic of appearing as real humans visit websites.
  2. Used to mimick human interactions on social networks actually creating fake personalities, ideas and leading to manipulation 1 Yes, your favorite Celebrities, athletes, pundits and politicians they ALL have millions of fake followers which come from these botnets. Botnets need different IP addresses and devices to make this scam work. This makes influencers more like scamfluencers
  3. These bots superinflate statistics and analytics of large corporations making it seem they have more users and traffic than they really do Many companies have been caught endorsing bots, most large companies are doing it and have done it to get people to sign up in the beginning. REmember facebook showing stats of people you had as your friends on websites “these people are following us?” Fake! 2 Even Tinder has this issue3
  4. Steal information and scam people for money , remember from traffic bots

Buying fake views and subscribers.. is a thing

THe following is an image trying to make a point, you can easily find and buy services which will increase your views,subscribers, etc..

You know what’s actually hypocritical, funny and sad at the same time?

Google’s policites on Youtube forbid you from buying automated views and subscribers, yet google will take money for ads for such services

You can easily buy views/traffic for any social media platform
You can easily buy views/traffic for any social media platform
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