Persistent Browser Based Game
Life Beyond Apocalypse
My professional experience grew by building complex projects on my own.
Life Beyond Apocalypse was a persistent browser based game in which you cound interract with other players (zombies or humans) in a complex way
Features included:
Registration, authentication, profile management
Specific skills which could be acquired with experience
Building and enhancing buildings
Interractive 2d maps
Sourcecode can be provided upon request. Want a similar project?
Technologies and Development History
The first Browser Based Game built with TCL, apache mod_websh, sqlite, MySQL HTML, JavaScript and Jquery in 2007-2009.
Second version built with NaviServer and Tcl (code was rewritten and refactored) 2014-2015.
The maps where created with TIled.
3d Version which was rebuilt but was never aired built using Elixir. It had 2 components. A command line clone of the cataclysm game cataclysm game. It was to evolve to a real time web based game. Due to the complexity of the cataclysm dda version I’ve decided to not further invest time in this project