Mineteest server overloaded disconnecting users

Notes taken while hosting a Minetest server(MineCraft alike system) on a Raspberry PI, Seems that it can’t handle more than 2 connections before it keeps lagging and disconnecting. The solution was eventually to migrate the minetest server to $5 linode VPS

I think the server is simply overloaded. Fails to process all ABMs in time and cannot catch up with the packet queue. Suggestions to make it faster:

Increase the ABM interval in minetest.conf lower the active block range, limit player count purge the forceloaded blocks (IIRC the file forceloaded.txt) enable the mod profiler (see minetest.conf.example) and dump that to a file to find slow mods move the world to a faster storage use an external media provider so that fewer data must be sent from your Raspberry PI. '''

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