
Why I'm using Fossil SCM instead of other source control systems

Why I'm using Fossil SCM instead of other source control systems

Fossil is a great SCM Source Control Management system.
5 Minutes Apr 16, 2016 949 Words
How to download Youtube videos on Windows with youtube-dl and start using the command line

How to download Youtube videos on Windows with youtube-dl and start using the command line

There is a very powerfull user Interface wrapped around youtube-dl which will allow you to download mass video’s from youtube.
5 Minutes Jan 1, 2016 973 Words

http server examples - So you need to easily share something with someone in the same network

So, you need to simply share something with someone on the same network without going through facebook or anyother chat application.
1 Minutes Dec 16, 2015 91 Words
Your ideas are not your own. Ideas and the liberty of thought

Your ideas are not your own. Ideas and the liberty of thought

Dear reader, as you’re sitting down and reading these lines I suppose you’re feeling comfortable.
9 Minutes Nov 15, 2015 1806 Words

Here's a list of interesting things in the Linux World

.or the links that I’ve bookmarked for any reason what so ever The complete Debian reference, it’s a good starting point to get started with Linux, i’ve just stumbled upon it a few days ago:
1 Minutes Sep 18, 2014 82 Words

zram swap partition in Linux - Compressed RAM

So I bought a new SSD the other day. After reading about SSD issues with SWAP partitions i decided to investigate further.
2 Minutes Sep 7, 2014 270 Words

Asciidoc documentation generation

Documentation generation is something that should be included in any software project.
1 Minutes May 14, 2014 53 Words

Convert-ing ebook epub to PDF ( or any other format)

Sometimes you might want to convert ebooks from one format to the other.
1 Minutes May 23, 2013 148 Words

Yahoo Messenger Bot

What? For the project and source code see Yahoo Messenger Bot
2 Minutes Oct 25, 2012 392 Words
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