section? true blog Kind section
Webhook Webaplication Tunnel
Iesi La Vot
Bad Tech Foundation
21 Years of Programming - From Programming Computers to Reprogramming the Human Nervous System
The Cost of Building Your Own Website - Whould you Leave Website Building to the Pros?
Do you really need a mobile app?
Hugo Protected Content Go
Don't Be Fooled by AI: You Still Need a Software Developer
AI Devolution World
What's vendor lock in and how can you avoid it
How NASA is building websites with just one click - Misleading technology ads are dangerous
What you need to know about Photography
ZAsciidoctor as the solution for writing anything, articles, documentation, books
Installing and Configuring Haproxy 2.2 on a Raspberry Pi with Debian 10 - Rootless Podman and Systemd usage
Haproxy guides - Simplify your development life by using Haproxy
Will we ever have a safe, secure and privacy enabled digital voting system
Are you addicted to social media? Try this test! The solution to your addiction
My Kubernetes Journey Has Ended - What to do next?
How to setup a persistent DNS at Home on Your Server or Raspberry PI with a dynamic IP
Kubernetes cert-manager and letsencrypt doesn't generate certificates anymore http to https redirect
You, Me and the Machine or How Artificial Intelligence is Replacing You
A new kind of promise
Your ideas are not your own. Ideas and the liberty of thought
Life Efficiency - Genesis
IMAP Elixir Adventures The complete guide to handling IMAP e-mails from within Elixir
Alexia Telegram Bot Library for Elixir Multi Bot Environments and Supervisor
The Art of Being Unreasonable - Book Review
Idea Mapping - How to access your hidden brain power, learn faster, remember more and achieve success - book review
Improve your small business by doing ONE thing - Personalized Marketing Experience part 2 of 2
Improve your small business by doing ONE thing - Personalized Marketing Experience part 1 of 2
To Sell is Human Book Review
Effective Project Management Book Review
Drive The surprising truth about what motivates us Book Review
Did email die? How to reliably send emails from within applications
Why it's impossible to reach a 4 hour workweek - (Unless you plan on destroying the world)
Discover the reasons why Great Ideas, Entepreneurs and StartUP business opportunities fail
Simplicity Edward de Bono
Controlling Time - Programming without Cron Alternatives - Elixir PHP Tcl Virtualmin
Blender Python Random Cube Animation Tutorial - Wallpaper - Video Generation
Essential Communication - Business Revolution - Organizing Events
The 8 benefits of owning your own domain for email
Being a true PROgrammer - Understand your environment
Avoid the Fake Fast Road to Success and Knowledge CyberSecurity edition
Programming language hypes Frameworks, libraries and mega abstractions - Is there any room for simplicity?
Data Science and Machine Learning new package for old ideas
Conflicting Rare Metals in Technology
My Toastmasters Experience up untill now - Why you should JOIN a toastmasters club NOW
Cryptocurrency hype - Bitcoin - Speculation - Waste of Resources and Time
The world is drowning in redundant code - Global Wheel Reinvention Convention
Erlang Elixir Node Security Flaws
Why I'm not active on social media - a word about facebook, twitter, linkedin - Experiencing life from a different standpoint
I've got the Perfect Elixir for your Programming
Mastermind Group Elixir Of Truth
Elixir Game Devlog 0x09 - Game Database - Importing all JSON files
Game Devlog - 0x08 - Implementing Tinymaps - Prototype
Mobile and tablet landscape - A failure - Polluting the world with shiny new crap
Attention, Flow and Multitasking
Why you should NOT run your own mail servers on your VPS
The Frivolity of Software and Software Updates
Elxir Game - 0x07 Random Map Generation - Road placement
Elixir Game - 0x06 Modifications to State - Modifying the User module and paving the way for our NPC
GoAccess Log analyzer for nginx and Phoenix
Elixir Game DevLog update - 0x05 Documentation, Testing and Polishing
Elixir LBA Game - 0x04 - Introducing Items
FFMPEG video encoding to save GB of data - which encoding is the best?
Elixir Game - 0x03 Saving state in Processes
New Blog System
GDPR - Know your Rights - Analyzing the inevitable
Your cybersecurity is my cybersecurity - Toastmaster speech
Elixir - 0x02 Command Line Fun - LBA Game
VLC freezes PC when resuming from suspend to ram (Debian, Ubuntu, Linux Mint) - SOLUTION
Elixir 0x01 - Introduction Getting started - Life Beyond Apocalypse
Elixir Game - 0x00 Introduction, Roadmap and Plan
Cloud Hosting, VPS, Shared, or At home Website Application Hosting Guide for aspiring Developers and Small Business Owners
Learning Elixir and OTP through a project - Life Beyond Apocalypse
Radare2 - Reverse Engineering - Disassembly - Tutorials - And more!
Vikings Stole my Flag - Radare2 Forensic Analysis
Zenity GUI for Elixir
Net Neutrality in the USA and Europe - The importance of using a VPN or VPS SSH Proxy
osTicket not working certain things not loading nginx
The importance of continual education and information management at every step in life - Mass disinformation in the information era - Why we all need a proper education in statistics, economy and legislation
What note taking system I'm currently using - Zim
Learning Phoenix from Programming Phoenix 1.0 with 1.3 - What to do untill the new book comes out?
Using Secure hashing implementations in applications
The LostMVC - Codru project is officialy abandoned - Reasons and what I've learned
What was LostMVC - Codru - Web Framework
How to start learning to become a white hacker and sites for improving your hacking and cyber security skills
How to easily take a screenshot from the commandline with ffmpeg
Password management made simple - Stay safe the easy way
Next Scripting Framework - The next generation OOP
Why you should learn and love to use Linux as a development platform
Tic Tac Toe Game Example using Tcl Tk
Quick fix for wine apps that freeze your Linux desktop
Batch Image Modification and resizing in the command line with GraphicsMagick
Number Guessing Game - Tcl/Tk
Introduction - Getting started - First steps - Learn to code by making games in Tcl/Tk
Why I'm using Fossil SCM instead of other source control systems
How to download Youtube videos on Windows with youtube-dl and start using the command line
http server examples - So you need to easily share something with someone in the same network
Here's a list of interesting things in the Linux World
zram swap partition in Linux - Compressed RAM
Asciidoc documentation generation
Convert-ing ebook epub to PDF ( or any other format)
Yahoo Messenger Bot
Convert your PDF library to SQLITE with Full Text Search
How to recursively copy from a ftp server in the Linux command line with just 2 commands or by using the Tcl VFS
Linux Commandline Shortcuts
Check all checkboxes on a website that only allows you do to it manually