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New Blog System

Andrei Clinciu Article AUthor
Andrei Clinciu
  • 2018-03-05T12:05:00Z
  • 2 min to read
New Blog System

Once upon a time a software developer began to implement his own version of a blog.


This website has been written from scratch. I know that it kind of misses the main point of Wheel Reinvention, however it was for a noble cause; mastering Phoenix!

I've also switched from hosting provider and mail provider for multiple domains. No downtime occured, however due to DNS propagation weird happened but it's now been solved.

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GDPR - Know your Rights - Analyzing the inevitable

Andrei Clinciu Article AUthor
Andrei Clinciu
  • 2018-03-01T20:18:00Z
  • 7 min to read
GDPR - Know your Rights  - Analyzing the inevitable

DISCLAIMER: This post is NOT in any way legal advice. I'm not an lawyer. Seek professional advice of a lawyer together with an IT specialist!
Also note that this is work in progress and that I'm updating this and waiting untill after 25 may 2018 to see how others have implemented various solutions to comment on them.

I've first read the GDPR law in 2016 for the Computer and Cybercrime Professional university degree I followed. We handled it in 2 distinct courses IT Laws and Privacy and IT Governance, Security Compliance and Risk assessment. The information gained there together with prior knowledge about Privacy laws made me realize that there are many similarities and new things which are awesome.

Data Protection regulations implemented by most countries in the European Union before GDPR gave citizens the same rights GDPR now wants to give EU citizens worldwide.
This is an incredible effort. Since if you were an EU citizen and where registering in the US or anywhere else in the world, those companies didn't have to comply to any regulation. Now with GDPR if you're an EU citizen they are forced to comply.

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Your cybersecurity is my cybersecurity - Toastmaster speech

Andrei Clinciu Article AUthor
Andrei Clinciu
  • 2018-03-01T00:00:00Z
  • 4 min to read
Your cybersecurity is my cybersecurity - Toastmaster speech

What you are about to read is the text of my first speech in Toastmasters held in March 2018. I didn't keep a icebreaker yet

I didn't get any evaluation for it so I don't know how good it was. All I know is that I've received 2nd place for it. Even if i had won I couldn't go to the area contest since I didn't meet the minimum requirements. However it got me some training experience.

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Elixir - 0x02 Command Line Fun - LBA Game

Andrei Clinciu Article AUthor
Andrei Clinciu
  • 2018-02-22T18:24:00Z
  • 4 min to read
Elixir - 0x02 Command Line Fun - LBA Game

This is part of the Elixir Life Beyond Apocalypse Zombie Game creation tutorial.
Refer to the introduction for more information.

We said we were going to make a commandline game.
So let's implement it in a commandline fashion!

First edit mix.exs so we can use escript. Escript is just Erlang Script which will create a self contained script file with our full project.

def project do    [      app: :life_beyond_apocalypse,      version: "0.1.0",      elixir: "~> 1.5",      start_permanent: Mix.env == :prod,      deps: deps(),      escript: escript(),    ]  end#....  defp escript do    [main_module: LifeBeyondApocalypse.CLI]   end

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VLC freezes PC when resuming from suspend to ram (Debian, Ubuntu, Linux Mint) - SOLUTION

Andrei Clinciu Article AUthor
Andrei Clinciu
  • 2018-02-20T22:24:00Z
  • 1 min to read
VLC freezes PC when resuming from suspend to ram (Debian, Ubuntu, Linux Mint) - SOLUTION

I've been observing this weird thing that when I leave VLC open and I suspend my Linux machine.

Whenever I try to resume the system from suspend I can't login and there's a black screen. If I try to CTRL+ALT+F1-F8 I can sometimes  login but it's a black screen again and nothing happens.
This freezes the whole system and only the CTRL+ALT+PAUSE+O (K or L) works by shutting down the system in a graceful manner.

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Elixir 0x01 - Introduction Getting started - Life Beyond Apocalypse

Andrei Clinciu Article AUthor
Andrei Clinciu
  • 2018-02-15T09:14:00Z
  • 6 min to read
Elixir 0x01 - Introduction Getting started  - Life Beyond Apocalypse

This is part of the Elixir Life Beyond Apocalypse Zombie Game creation tutorial.
Refer to the introduction for more information.

So now that have thought about how our game will look like it's time to get started!
But where to start? It looks pretty complex and overwhelming at first sight.

Let's first create a basic User module to contain the basis structure of our User.
We will then create a simple random map where we can move around.

Small and steady!

Let's use mix to create a new project.

mix new life_beyond_apocalypse --sup

For now we save all files in lib/life_beyond_apocalypse, in later stages we will move our files to specialized folders.

user.exdefmodule User do  defstruct name: "", health: 30, energy: 100, x: 5, y: 5, items: %{}, coins: 0, map: ""  def map() domap = ~w"""#=#=#=#=#@@@@#=#=#=#=#@@@@#=#=#=#=#@@#@#=#=#=#=#@@@@#=#=#=#=#===##=#=#=#=#@@@@#=#=#=#=#@@@@"""Enum.map(map, fn (x) -> String.split(x," ", trim: true ) end)   endend

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Elixir Game - 0x00 Introduction, Roadmap and Plan

Andrei Clinciu Article AUthor
Andrei Clinciu
  • 2018-01-23T12:19:00Z
  • 11 min to read
Elixir Game - 0x00 Introduction,  Roadmap and  Plan

This is part of the Learning Elixir and OTP through a project.

It's the Roadmap and introduction. Just some random ideas written down.

The Game premise: You are a survivor in a zombie infested world. Survive or perish

But wait, do I want to reimplement the same game as I had originally done?
Hmm, maybe.. maybe not. Back to the blackboard. Some things will need to be done differently this time..
Reread, refactor, repurpose, reuse!

There are many ways to start developing. One is to just go ahead and start programming and see where it lands.
Another way is to plan every detail. Document everything.
Create our data structures and then start programming
Or we could do a combination of both.

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Cloud Hosting, VPS, Shared, or At home Website Application Hosting Guide for aspiring Developers and Small Business Owners

Andrei Clinciu Article AUthor
Andrei Clinciu
  • 2018-01-18T11:04:00Z
  • 14 min to read
Cloud Hosting, VPS, Shared, or At home Website Application Hosting Guide for aspiring Developers and Small Business Owners

I'm pretty sure that all Small Business owners, privately funded startups and entrepreneurs will once in their career bump into this topic.

I've seen more and more people starting to embrace the trend of creating and managing their own websites. This gives them finer control over everything. Once you understand how a system works you can make better decissions. Yes, you still hire a specialized  full stack developer and a designer to create your template and setup everything for you. Or you hire a DevOps professional that manages certain tasks once in a while.

But at the end of the day you will want to know how everything works and be able to backup and restore your website yourself in various cases.

Even aspiring web developers and web designers are having doubts about which is the best option.

In this article I'll guide you through all the options so you can make a decision and understand each option ahead of time. The options we'll talk about include the following: Cloud Hosting, VPS, shared hosting or hosting everything at home. Colocation is also included for reference purposes although it has become less obvious as a choice.

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Building Great Software
The digital Revolution begins when you learn to automate with personalized software.

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