
Net Neutrality in the USA and Europe - The importance of using a VPN or VPS SSH Proxy

Net Neutrality in the USA and Europe - The importance of using a VPN or VPS SSH Proxy

On 15 December 2017 net neutrality was repealed in the US.
3 Minutes Dec 16, 2017 435 Words
osTicket not working certain things not loading nginx

osTicket not working certain things not loading nginx

There is an ajax issue while using using nginx with osTicket due to redirects.
1 Minutes Dec 13, 2017 171 Words
The importance of continual education and information management at every step in life - Mass disinformation in the information era - Why we all need a proper education in statistics, economy and legislation

The importance of continual education and information management at every step in life - Mass disinformation in the information era - Why we all need a proper education in statistics, economy and legislation

I’ve been wanting to write something else than about IT so I thought why not write about LIFE in general.
2 Minutes Dec 7, 2017 297 Words
What note taking system I'm currently using - Zim

What note taking system I'm currently using - Zim

How do YOU keep your notes information stored? Well, at first everyone uses files, right?
2 Minutes Nov 30, 2017 408 Words

Learning Phoenix from Programming Phoenix 1.0 with 1.3 - What to do untill the new book comes out?

This blog post might be usefull for people learning Phoenix 1.
1 Minutes Nov 7, 2017 199 Words
Using Secure hashing implementations in applications

Using Secure hashing implementations in applications

Using secure hashing implementations is a must in today’s ever changing cyberspace.
3 Minutes Jun 10, 2017 560 Words
The LostMVC - Codru project is officialy abandoned - Reasons and what I've learned

The LostMVC - Codru project is officialy abandoned - Reasons and what I've learned

If you don’t know what LostMVC was please read What was LostMVC - Web Framework
5 Minutes May 13, 2017 1035 Words
What was LostMVC - Codru - Web Framework

What was LostMVC - Codru - Web Framework

LostMVC was a project I’ve worked on in my spare time between 2014 and 2016.
8 Minutes May 7, 2017 1661 Words
How to start learning to become a white hacker and sites for improving your hacking and cyber security skills

How to start learning to become a white hacker and sites for improving your hacking and cyber security skills

Information Information and Cyber Security has now become a huge field.
5 Minutes Apr 18, 2017 972 Words
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