Toastmasters is an awesome place where you can grow your skills in Public Speaking. Feedback, Impropmtu speaking and Leadership.

It is much more than just a public speaking course. It's a continuous stream of professional and personal self development.

The success of any member depends on the success of the club and viceversa. Each member IS responsible for himself and for the whole. You get what you put into it.

This page will contain links to various speeches I've presented in the public plus the motivational words.

Motivational Words mini 2 minute speeches are available on another page.

My first speech in Toastmasters was not an Ice Breaker but a speech prepared for the local club contest.

I didn't get any evaluation for it so I don't know how good it was. All I know is that I've received 2nd place for it. Read the full speech notes here Your Cybersecurity is My Cybersecurity.

I will not include my icebreaker speech because I feel it should be presented, not read.

My 2nd Speech was about Attention, Flow and Multitasking.

I have many more speeches I want to keep which I'm working on at the moment..

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